The article is devoted to the theoretical overview of methodological approaches to studying the intellectual potential of a region. It justifies the relevance of this issue, as well as the need to consider different points of view on understanding of essence of intellectual potential. It also discloses the content of the term “potential” and analyzes scientific concepts of the nature of intelligence. The author gives a brief overview of researchers involved in theoretical research of the concept “intellectual potential”: V.M. Anshin, Yu. Voronin, E. Naumova, K. Rakhlin, O.Yu. Serova, V. Petrenko, T. Stewart, S.I. Vovkanich, V.G. Zinov, K.V. Safaryan. The author structures theoretical and methodological approaches to the issue of intellectual potential: structural and genetic (J. Piaget), cognitive (J. Bruner, O.K. Tikhomirov), factor analysis (Ch. Spearman, L. Thurstone), hierarchical (R. Cattell), Joe Guilford’s approach. The main part of the article presents the structure of intellectual potential including scientific and technical, innovative, educational and cultural potentials. Each component of is defined, the main characteristics are described, their content is revealed in detail. The article also contains a graphical interaction of components in the structure of intellectual potential. It is concluded that intellectual potential is a key factor in the development of modern society and an indicator of territory’s development. Due to the fact that education system is the main institution forming the basis of intellectual development it is advisable to define it as a leading factor contributing to regional development. Accordingly, without full decent education it is impossible to ensure sustainable development of the society and economy with a favorable social background
scientific and technical potential, education, intelligence, potential, intellectual potential of a region, innovative capacity, cultural potential