VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Innovation development of territories"

Methodological Approach to Assessing the Measures of State Management and Results of Territories’ Innovation Activity

Kuz’min I.V.

4 (39), 2017

Kuz’min I.V. Methodological Approach to Assessing the Measures of State Management and Results of Territories’ Innovation Activity. Territorial development issues, 2017, no. 4 (39). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/2361?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The need to improve current methods and measures of public administration used in regional innovation policies and adoption of sound management decisions determine the need for a focused study of innovation activity development, especially in regions, which provides an idea about their innovation potential, the existing obstacles for scientific and technological development, as well as about what areas are to be improved primarily. The present study aims to develop a methodological approach which would help characterize the implementation of measures of state management of innovation activity in qualitative and quantitative terms and results achieved in the=is sphere at various stages of regional innovation activities. This approach helps compare the levels of implementation of different groups of measures with the results at particular stages of innovation activity, providing theoretical and methodological framework to justify prior implementation of certain measures of state support fro innovation activity of territories. The authors created the basis for quantitative and qualitative description of implementation of groups of methods of state management highlighted in the study, in territories’ innovation policy. Based on this, the authors developed a matrix of regions’ innovative activity, which contains two dimensions: quality of innovation policy, results of innovation stages. The algorithm for constructing the matrix for the region, which is used to perform quantitative calculations of levels of implementation of state management, on the one hand, and results achieved at each stage of innovation activity, on the other hand. This helps compare the implementations of each group of methods with the results of each stage of innovative activity. This helps make conclusions about the most problematic areas in innovation policy in the region. To quantify the implementation of innovation policies and innovation outcomes the authors generated and used the base of statistical indicators published annually by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Higher School of Economics


innovation, innovation policy, public administration, innovation management, scientific and technological development