VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Labor economics and personnel management"


Vyacheslavov V.N.

10 (20), 2014

Vyacheslavov V.N. EMPLOYMENT OF SENIOR CITIZENS (CASE STUDY OF VOLUNTEERISM). Territorial development issues, 2014, no. 10 (20). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1459?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. Dobrovolchestvo v Rossii: potencial uchastiya molodezhi [Elektronnyy resurs] / VCIOM. Oficialnyy sayt. – Rezhim dostupa : http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=459&uid=111713
  2. Dom Molodezhi. Interesnye fakty o volonterstve [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : http://molodost.ru/text/3108
  3. Zalcman, T. V. Problemy izucheniya dobrovolcheskoy deyatelnosti pozhilyh lyudey [Tekst] / T. V. Zalcman // Mezhdunarodnyy forum «Starshee pokolenie». – SPb., 2012. – S. 52–56.
  4. Ivanova, L. Aktivnost – na polzu obschestvu [Elektronnyy resurs] / L. Ivanova. – Rezhim dostupa : http://vibor-kazan.ru/news/aktivnost_na_polzu_obshhestvu/2012-09-28-776
  5. Innez, E. Volonterstvo prodlevaet zhizn. Velikobritaniya [Elektronnyy resurs] / E. Innez. – Rezhim dostupa : http://www.inosmi.ru/world/20130615/210069333.html
  6. Karyuhin, E. Volonterstvo po-amerikanski [Tekst] / E. Karyuhin // Socialnaya zaschita: Socionomiya. – № 9. – 2010. – S. 20–23.
  7. Mezhregionalnyy resursnyy centr «Serebryanyy vozrast». [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : http://silveryears.ru
  8. Minnigaleeva, G. Dobrovolchestvo pozhilyh: problemy, praktika, perspektivy [Tekst] / G. Minnigaleeva // Socialnaya zaschita. Socionomiya. – 2012. – № 4. – S. 6–9.
  9. The global burden of disease: 2004 update [Electronic resource]. – Geneva : World Health Organization, 2008. – Available at : http://www.who.int/evidence/bod

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