VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"


Duryagina N.N.

1 (31), 2016

Duryagina N.N. INTRAMURAL ELECTIVE AT ISEDT RAS RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTER: PRACTICE AND PERSPECTIVES. Territorial development issues, 2016, no. 1 (31). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1769?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
This article is devoted to the study of the practice of supplementary teaching of the students of 5–11 grades of educational institutions in the framework of full-time elective on the example of the Research and Education Center of Economy and Information Technology ISEDT RAS (Vologda). The article substantiates the urgency of the topic, as well as the importance of further education of students in the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the description of experience in organizing educational activities at REC ISEDT RAS. For over 12 years of the intramural school elective, the Center carries out activities aimed at the further education of students in economics, mathematics and computer science. Organization of educational process involves the integration of activities of the two cooperating groups: the first one is the educational-methodological group REC, carrying out educational process on education of students; the second one is the group of psychological-pedagogical support, which provides support for the students of REC. The content of the activity of these groups includes the system of cognitive, developmental, educate and preventive measures, such as contests, competitions, conferences, trips to businesses and organizations in Vologda, discussion clubs, courses and themed weeks, specialized electives during the school holidays and so on. The article provides a brief but meaningful look at each of the areas of work with the students. The variety of forms of work ensures the continuity of economic education, as well as the effective development of the educational structure of REC. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of full-time elective at REC ISEDT RAS in 2014/15 academic years. This analysis makes it possible to generalize the experience, to determine the extent of additional schooling to predict targets for future work and identify ways to improve the educational activities of REC ISEDT RAS. In general, full-time elective activity is effective. This contributes to systematic work on the organization of educational process, extracurricular activities of students and successful interaction with students and their parents


intramural school elective, research and education center at the institute of socio-economic development of territories of ras