VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"


Sukhareva L.M.

1 (31), 2016

Sukhareva L.M. INTERNSHIP AS A FORM OF ADVANCED TRAINING (CASE STUDY OF ISEDT RAS). Territorial development issues, 2016, no. 1 (31). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1770?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
This article describes internship as a form of additional professional education. It proves the relevance of this form, as well as the significance of systematic organization of internships in the process of education and formation of a professional. The article also reveals features of internship as a type of activity that is of practice-oriented nature, presupposes acquaintance with new technologies and their development, accumulation of professional experience, individual character. It considers theoretic-methodological approaches to the definition of “internship”, presents different types of internships, depending on the purpose, scope of employment and place of conduct. This form of training is reflected in the activities of the Research and Educational Center of Economics and Information Technology, established at the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Research and Educational Center of Economics and Information Technology of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences provides employees and graduate students with additional professional education. Since 2010 it has been implementing a system of internships at leading foreign and Russian enterprises, state and municipal authorities, scientific and educational organizations. The system of internships as a form of training aimed at learning best practices and acquiring professional and organizational skills. The paper presents the essence of the additional professional training organization among employees and graduate students of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The article presents data on the number of internships and the choice of places for their conduct in 2010–3rd quarter of 2015 and concludes that researchers and postgraduates of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences mainly choose governance structures as place of their internship. Their conduct at enterprises is a promising direction to develop the internship system in the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The current system of training gives an opportunity to solve tasks of developing practical knowledge of the staff and graduate students and enhancing external contacts and relationships of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The experience of internships in this Research and Educational Center can be used by the staff of educational and research institutions


additional professional education, advance training, internship, types of internships, research and educational center