VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Territorial economy"

Structural Dynamics of Russia’s Economy: Toward a New Growth Model

Sukharev O.S.

4 (34), 2016

Sukharev O.S. Structural Dynamics of Russia’s Economy: Toward a New Growth Model. Territorial development issues, 2016, no. 4 (34). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1975?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. Abalkin L. I. Rossiya. Poisk samoopredeleniya [Russia. A search for self-determination]. Moscow: Nauka, 2005. 464 p.
  2. Glazyev S. Yu. O neotlozhnykh merakh po ukrepleniyu ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti Rossii i vyvodu rossiiskoi ekonomiki na traektoriyu operezhayushchego razvitiya [On urgent measures to strengthen economic security of Russia and direct the Russian economy to the path of advanced development]. Investitsii v Rossii [Investment in Russia], 2015, no. 11-12. Available at: www.glazev.ru
  3. Kantorovich L. V. Izbrannye trudy. K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Selected works. To the 100th anniversary of the birth]. Moscow: Lenand, 2012. 186 p.
  4. Sukharev O. S. Ekonomicheskaya dinamika. Institutsional'nye i strukturnye faktory [Economic dynamics. Institutional and structural factors]. Moscow: Lenand, 2015. 240 p.
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  6. Tatarkin A. I. Regional'naya napravlennost' ekonomicheskoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii kak instituta prostranstvennogo obustroistva territorii [Regional targeting of the economic policy of the Russian Federation as an institution of regional spatial development]. Ekonomika regiona [Economy of region], 2016, no. 1, pp. 9–27.
  7. Tatarkin A. I. Mirovoi finansovyi krizis i vozmozhnosti real'nogo sektora rossiiskoi ekonomiki [Global financial crisis and the opportunities of the real sector of the Russian economy]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoi Rossii [Economic science of modern Russia], 2010, no. 1, pp. 41–52.

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