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Problems of Career Choice by Final Year Students of Municipal Education Institution

Sukhareva L.M.

5 (50), 2019

Sukhareva L.M. Problems of career choice by final year students of municipal education institution. Territorial development issues, 2019, no. 5 (50). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/28383?_lang=en DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.5.50.9

DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.5.50.9

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article is devoted to one of the most significant aspects of adolescents’ successful socialization, the career choice. It substantiates the relevance of the issue, and the role of timely career guidance. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of choosing a profession faced by the final classes’ students of the municipal education institution “Lyceum No. 32” in Vologda. To achieve it, a number of tasks were solved. First, the theoretical aspects of career choice by final year students are analyzed. Secondly, the analysis of the results obtained during the questionnaire survey of high-school children of MEI “Lyceum No. 32” is given. Thirdly, the main problems of choosing a profession by graduates of MEI “Lyceum No. 32” in Vologda are identified. Fourthly, practical recommendations on elimination of the revealed problems are formulated. To achieve the aim of the research the following traditional general scientific methods were used, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Based on the analysis of numerous studies, the interpretation of the terms “career choice” and “career guidance work” is given, the stages of the conscious career choice formation are highlighted. The author conducted a questionnaire survey of the final year students of MEI “Lyceum No. 32” in Vologda, which identified problems in their professional self-determination, including the lack of skills for effective use of Internet resources to find the necessary information. It is concluded that the vast majority of students are motivated to continue their studies, but not in their native region. In general, the questionnaire results indirectly indicate the difficulties of choosing a profession by high school students and the need to expand career guidance work in the educational organization. The scientific novelty of the research is that a questionnaire survey of graduates of MEI "Lyceum No. 32" on the proposed topic was conducted for the first time, the analysis of scientific results was carried out, specific proposals for solving the identified problems were formulated. The obtained results can be useful for teachers of educational institutions and parents of high school students. As a prospect for further research work, a comprehensive analysis of career guidance work in the MEI “Lyceum No. 32” can be noted


career guidance, career-oriented activity, career-oriented self-determination, career choice

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