VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"


Kulakova A.B., Fomina Z.V.

9 (19), 2014

Kulakova A.B., Fomina Z.V. DIAGNOSTIC DIRECTION OF WORK AT ISEDT RAS RESEARCH-AND-EDUCATIONAL CENTER. Territorial development issues, 2014, no. 9 (19). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1445?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The problem to develop the psychodiagnostic direction is relevant for the Russian education. In the modern educational space training aimed at the all-round development of the child’s personality. In this regard, the use of traditional methods is not enough. The learning process is complemented by innovative methods, curriculums and innovative ways of transferring information from a teacher to a learner. That’s why schools use a diagnostic study as a way to determine the dynamics of development of students’ personal potential. The scientific study tries to summarize the experience in the use of psychological testing in education. The article aims to analyze the results of the diagnostic direction of work of the group of psychopedagogical support on the example of ISEDT RAS Research-and-Educational Center. The synthesis of the data obtained is an applied methodology. The article substantiates the urgency of the problem, lists the authors of the most well-known methods (A. Binet, D. Wechsler, D. Raven, R. Amthauer, M. Lüscher and others) and indicates the importance of a teacher-psychologist in solving it. It considers the definition “diagnosis”. The work classifies the functions of psychological diagnostics, reveals its objectives. It shows that the measurement methods play a significant role in determining the level of students’ development. The article describes the forms of work, the main methods and the results of psychologists’ research activities and concludes that ISEDT RAS Research-and-Educational Center has developed a productive system of diagnostic. Further, the results will be used to make adjustments in the organization of the educational process at ISEDT RAS Research-and-Educational Center


research-and-educational center, personal development, educational process, psychological diagnostics, group of psycho-pedagogical support